Hello everybody!, woke up early in the morning, the only feeling i have is scare. DAMN SCARE FOR MY EOY OKAY, SO I SHALL STUDY 1-6 LATER ON.
Yesterday is the 'last' day i can go out and have fun, the rest of the day i shall stay at home ):.
So, yesterday went to watch johnny english with biiiiiiiiiiiiiii, at nex .
Its coool.

Yesterday is the 'last' day i can go out and have fun, the rest of the day i shall stay at home ):.
So, yesterday went to watch johnny english with biiiiiiiiiiiiiii, at nex .
Its coool.
Went to bi's house after that and slackkkkk, i wanna put retainer on my teeth, is so awkward when there is a teeth that is pushed inside, GRRR.
Stay back at bi's house for dinnnnnner!
Still got vegetable and soup ah, damn nice (:
Bused to hougang plaza around 8 plus and called yt and jt whether they can go and play pool, unfortunately, yanting is sick!,(get well soon!)
And of course, meet junting and junjie and played pooooool,
And of course, meet junting and junjie and played pooooool,
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