Love just doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made like bread, remade all the time, made new.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i need money, money~ $$
Going bugis this friday yet i have no money . Arhhhhhhhhh!
Today school was fine. Do ic thingy at school , after school, lrted to cp with Soon keat and meet up with baby. Head off to baby's house after that. Went straight home after that/
Tomorrow have dnt test and i don't even know what to study. '
Bye readers (:
Yours truly,
Dawnn Chung Nian Qi, 17.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Happiness starts with, one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss. And stops with, one mistake.
Happy with my life now with , Mr Herbert Goh Chang Hao
Happy with my life now with , Mr Herbert Goh Chang Hao
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Life, love.

Hey guys, today almost late for school, worse still, my school shoes kena bird shit. ah. Reach school around 8.20am. Heng nvr late. School was fine today. Emily didn't go school today, fcking boring at classroom. After school lrted to compass with Sabrina and Soon Keat. Meet up with baby and went to baby's house. Went off around 4.30+, buy one packet of chicken rice and bused home with baby. Reached home around 4+ yeah. Thats all for today.
Bye readers.
There's nothing much u need to regret. I wouldn't get angry or what because u have those thingy on your body, don't think too much kay ? I no need u to laser it away or do whatever shit. Stop saying sorry to me. Just be happy and i will be happy too.
iloveyou, (:
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Gold fish,

Hello, i'm going to be rotten sooner or later, don't think i will be going out today. Eye swollen like gold fish one. ahhhhh, think i'm wearing spectacle to school tmr, wearing contact only make my eye worse. ): Baby was still sleeping, i guess. So sian oh, gonna to watch Monga later on, Junting is crazy over this. Thats all for today.
Bye readers (:
EstherOngCaiFen: relink my dear ! <3
> Relinked my dear (:
Sylester.: Good Night. Sweet Dreams. I Love You~
Sylester.: I Love You~
> ah ha, iloveyou too (:
LunLun^^: tag tag^^last long arhhhhhhhhhhh
> you toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
SC: zz gal u dam negative worrs.. haix...
> i'm positive okay, :D
Berlin: i love you ! and your class tee is super nice . :]
> love you too , thanks :D
> Loves (:
~PINGG: tag (:
~PING: Tagged (:
> Thanks (:
Sylester.: Muacks~ Good Night! (:
> Night :x
~PING: Tags airen ! sry for today (:
> nvmnvm , (:
Sylester.: I Love You, My Baby~
> Love you too (:
JUNTING: Peeps !
> BOO!
faruq: forced to tag -.-
> waolao. thanks la (:
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Eye swollen again, @$*"%#^&!
Hey guys, today went out with baby and watch kidnapper.
oh, it's damn touching , but good ending.
After watching it, eat and mrted back to hougang around 3+. Bused to baby's house after that.
Stayed at his house until around 7+ and sended me home.
Thats all for today.
What a happy day i've spended. (:
Bye readers~.
Friday, March 26, 2010

Lrted back to school after having lunch. Went to cca.
Yanting went back earlier, after cca, lrted to cp with Berlin.
Meet up with Baby.
Bused home. thats all for today.
Bye readers.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Eenie meenie.

Baby, i love you.
oh , what an unlucky day for me today.
Firstly, my class almost everytime tio forgotten. By teachers, dm, many more. PLEAE> there's still a class call 3NE.
Secondly, have truck lots of homework .
Thirdly, have detention for more than 2 hours just because of stupid reason.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, after detention, bused to cp with Emily, Junting and Sabrina.
Meet up with baby at compass. Sended me home and he went home too. So guai (:.
Thats all for today.
Bye readers.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rushing like hell.
No pictures for today yeah.
nowadays busy with hmk and stuff. trying to rush everything together ,
after school have physics acer.
Went off at 3.45 and meet up with baby.
Went home after that.
Tuition ltr, meet him again (:
bye readers!
nowadays busy with hmk and stuff. trying to rush everything together ,
after school have physics acer.
Went off at 3.45 and meet up with baby.
Went home after that.
Tuition ltr, meet him again (:
bye readers!
Monday, March 22, 2010

ummmm, didn't post for 1 day. Lazy to on com oh.
Today after school went compass with Berlin, Junting and xinping.
Meet up with baby , go slack after that.
Baby went off around 4+.
Bye readers (:
Sylester.: Muacks~ I WON'T LEAVE YOU!
Sylester.: Baby, I Love You!
> okay (:. ily too.
Emily: nianqi
> emily o.o
Ruiling.: Girlfriend, ! Tagged. Heehee, Last long ♥
> Last long too girlfriend (:
SC: haha my last tag b4 i go back camp... see i so good... =]
> wow... takecare friend!
Sylester.: I Love You. Sorry.
Sylester.: I LOVE YOU! MUACKS~
> Nvm (:. ily.
SC: next time lai compete tie boot laces.
SC: gal wear glasses doesn means stupid lar... u one clever gal okie =]
> okay lorh. not clever (:
~PING: tagged airen
> Thanks airen (:
Esther: hello sweetheart, tag once again, boh tag me, tao yannnzxzxzx ~
> Tag u le lorh! (:
Emily: you're finally back from camp .
> finally uh (:
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meet up with baby after tuition. Slack again.
Reached home around 7+? Haven do a lot of hmk yet. Dont think i'm going to do it.
Meeting baby later? i think.
Have tuition ltr again , 1.30 to 5.30. Crazy.
Bye readers (:
Friday, March 19, 2010
tons of hmk waiting me to do.
After camp, go meet with Baby. Saw junting and edmund at compass.
After that go slack with baby. (:
Thats all for today.
Bye readers!
Sylester.: Baby!!!!! 2 More Hours! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!
> imy too (:
Edmund.: Taggg.
> thanks (:
Sylester.: Baby, WO AI NI~
Sylester.: Baby, I Miss You! Wish Time Will Pass Faster! I LOVE YOU! Muacks~
> meet le (: iloveyou too.
SC: haha gal how fast can u tie ur boots?? * lazy-man knot*
> Very slow...
Sylester.: I Will Miss You Alot Alot! Baby, I Love You!
> (:
PINGTING: Hi I went to th same place for camp earlier this year too!
>haha! serious? (:
Sylester.: Baby, I Love You! Muackssssssss~
Sylester.: Baby, I Love You! Muackssssssss~
Sylester.: Baby, I Love You! Muackssssssss~
> iloveyou too (:
Valerie: tagged (: last long
> thanks (:
Brandon Ho: Yo sista ! tagged ya ! last long with Sylester , =D
> okay brother (:
Sylester.: Baby! LOVE YOU! MUACKS~
Sylester.: I Love You. Happy First Month.
Sylester.: Baby, I Am MISSING YOU.
> happy first month too (:
~PING: tag
Nurul Nabilah :): Nice blog... Put more pics... Put @ facebook lah...
Nurul Nabilah :): Nice blog... Put more pics... Put @ facebook lah...
> dun want luh.
SC: lols i didn't know you wore glasses
> stupid ma.
Emily: NIanQI
> Yessssss?
Esther: hello sweetheart, last long eh
> hello sweetheart, okay (:
SC: haha... looks like you had fun during your camp... =] take care of urself ba =]
> haha!. okay (:
Sylester.: Baby, Tagged~ I Love You! MUACKS! (:
Sylester.: Baby, I'm Missing You! Time Is Passing Slower And Slower. I Can't Take It Anymore.
Sylester.: Hope That You Will Be Safe At There. Be Careful When Playing, Don't Get Hurt.
Sylester.: Hope That You Will Enjoy Yourself There. I Love You! I Will Be Waiting For You To Return!
Sylester.: Baby, I Am Missing you
> okok . relax my dear (:
Junting: Chiobu , tag tag . Cya tmr !
> buangbu la! u then chio. cya (:
NABIlah: Nice blog
> thanks(:
Sylester.: Taggies For Babyyyyyyyy~ I Love You~
> iloveyou too. (:
SC: haha here to tag u... got present ma?? 1st to tag after u reply tags.. haha
> got.... thank you lorh. (:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010

Went out with baby to vivo today (:
watch Percy jackson and the lighting thief. Super nice. :D
After that walk walk around and go home (:
i miss you, baby.
Bye readers'!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
stay at home the whole day.
Nothing much to do.
Having another camp next week.
Bye readers (:
happy first month ,
thanks for bearing all my fucked up attitude and many more.
Sorry too.
iloveyou (:
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Look idiot in this two picture.
hey guys, meet up with Junting and have lunch at mac.
After that, head off to plaza. Saw Desiree, Sally, Benjamin and another guy.
Played together yeah. Went off around 7+. Saw Brandon and Yunrong.
LOL. no fate ar no fate.
Thats all for today.
Bye readers~
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sec 3 Camp'10
Tired and tired and nothing but tired.
Hello.! i'm back from my sec 3 camp. Overall, it's fun . But a lot of scolding and blah were involve.
Hah, went to malaysia for 3 days 2 night.
After the camp, meet up with baby and home sweet home.
Now is 11.44pm. And my eye already half close .
Thats all for today!
Bye readers
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